(Fitch-Febvrel 213-II)
Etching, aquatint & roulette, 2010.
7.4 x 14. 8 cm. (9.5 x 17.1 cm.)
Shown attached to album cover (46.1 x 32.1 cm.)
Érik Desmazières
Suite Musaeum Clausum
Suite of seven etchings with aquatint & roulette, 2009–2011.
In red (25) or blue (10) album cover, with vignette attached (46.1 x 32.1 x 1.7 cm.)
Catalogue 214–219 enclosed in a gray laid Fabriano Roma sleeve (44.5 x 60.8 cm., folded) with an
ink, water color and gouache drawing on the cover and catalogue 220 printed on the inner back page.
30 ex. on various papers: thin Chine, laid antique (1-30/30); 5 ex. on thin laid paper (I-V/V) hors commerce.
Printer: Dominique Guibert at Atelier R.I.D., Paris.
Suite: $7,500
ALSO: See the BOOK illustrated with four etchings, 2009.