
Gunnar Norrman

Gunnar Norrman: Sixty Years of Visual Poetry

Artnet, December, 2000, by N.F. Karlins

"Gunnar Norrman: Sixty Years of Visual Poetry" at Fitch-Febvrel expands an exhibition of prints by this Swedish artist that the gallery presented at the IFPDA Print Fair in November. Known primarily for his exquisite small-edition drypoints, the artist, now in his late 80s, has continued to produce drawings his entire life. Many are here along with a generous sampling of drypoints and some lithographs.

Norrman's devotion to nature, from his early training as a botanist to his famous home garden near Malmö today, comes through in drawings like Efter Stormen (After the Storm) with its blacks against delicate, silvery tones, its plants monumental in their quiet resistance to the elements. It's bound to appear under someone's Christmas tree. His shimmering view of river reeds in Vid Krankesjän would be welcome under mine.

Norrman more often uses conté crayon (or charcoal) for architectural works like Stolpar, an 8 x 12 inch wonder. Many are reminiscent of Seurat's drawings, which he discovered after producing his own works. Their stately tranquility is reassuring and calming.

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